Interactive Video Project – ongoing / 1-channel video / 4K – 14min 1osec /2022
Everything reorders itself as soon as the sun goes down. Quiet voices within us become loud
and at the same time heavy things fall like bricks from our souls. The body goes into a
different mode.
While the day is the time for movement, noise and tumult, the night is the place of rest,
solitude and pause. The night offers us protection, envelops us, but also creates or releases
fears. At night we develop longings and hopes.
The project will address different questions: how do bodies move in the nocturnal silence of
the city? Are there night places that are only beautiful and special at night? How do people
react with their bodies to the public space when the silence of the night comes. Why do
people love the night? What do they associate with the night? What does the night mean?
Intoxication * Dancing * Freedom * Courage * Melatonin * Silence?